Pre-requisite : None
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 10
No. of units hit: 5 / 9
The very first skill you get ( and most likely use as well ). Blow is a knockdown skill with slightly extended range over your normal X hits. However it's range is not as far as the image shows. This skill deals damage that i will be using as a base to compare when talking about other skills. Obviously it deals more damage than your melee and you will be using it only at the early levels when you do not have other skills. It's only redeeming factor is that it comes out rather fast and can be used for a quick knockdown. Increased levels only increase the damage and number of units hit.
Build : Lvl 1 as pre-requisite.

Sword Mastery
Pre-requisite: None
Max Level : 5
Skill points per level : 10
Effect: +10 / +70 weapon attack
Your first passive. Adds a fixed number to your attack stat. Veteran gamers would realise its weakness of it being a fixed number and not a %. At max level it adds 70. For Knights this could be a viable skill. However, for Gladiators we have Adv. Sword Mastery which at maxed adds 21% boost from weapon. 21% of 333 = 69. And the lvl 20 2h sword already exceeds that. 'Nuff said. Of course, it will be some time before you actually get to max the skill in 2nd class, so it would be useful for 1st class. Only pump if u reset it at lvl 19 using a Rookie skill reset or if u can afford cash resets.
Build: Lvl 0 or MAX ( MAX ONLY IF you are using this to assist in leveling up and resetting it later)

Air Combo Launch (ACL)
Pre-requisite : None
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 15
No. of units hit: 5 / 9
Damage is Base at lvl 1. Your cookie cutter skill to launch enemies in the air to follow with Stormblade or jump XXX combo. There is zero reason to increase the lvl of this skill. Points are better saved for more damaging sklls. One argument goes that more units thrown up = more units to hit with Stormblade. I return it back with you do not usually get to hit 10 units unless in instances, and approaching so many units to use a ACL is risky. If you want to max a skill to use with Stormblade, max Cutdown.
Build : Lvl 1

Pre-requisite : Lvl 1 Blow
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 20
No. of units hit: 5 / 9
One of the skills you'll love if you are not a hammer spammer. At level 1, damage is Base and the launched height of the mobs is so low you cannot do a jump XXX, but allows you to connect a Stormblade if you use it immediately. At level 3, the height allows you to do basically anything like ACL already. Therefore recommended level is lvl 3. It hits roughly 7/8 units at lvl 3. Only reason you would consider maxing it is the same reason with ACL, except that Cutdown is better since 1. You already have it at lvl 3 and 2. Cutdown is easier to use than ACL AND hits BOTH standing and fallen units, allowing you to re-launch mobs for a second air combo. A section of the guide will be devoted to this later on.
Build : Lvl 3 or MAX ( MAX only if you think you can afford the points and want to sync with Stormblade for more units hit. Not recommended)

Pre-requisite : Lvl 1 Air Combo Launch
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 10
No. of units hit: 5 / 9 or 10
One of the "keep it at level 1 for emergency uses" sort of skill. Damage is again base at lvl 1. Cutdown is better for re-launching as it hits both standing and fallen units while RelaunchCutdown
Build : Lvl 1 for an extra re-launch option and pre-requisite for Sword Dance

Storm Blade
Pre-requisite : Lvl 1 Cutdown
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 20
No. of units hit: 6 / 10
Our killing skill. Even at 2nd class for Gladiators, we do not have any air skills to replace this, hence max it. Damage is THE MOST as damage increases per hit and it hits roughly 7 times at max level. It's what sets us apart from other classes at early levels as we clear groups of mobs in practically seconds. Only I'm Gone Bro and Wrath of Earth have comparable damage, but they are still lower.
Build : MAX MAX MAX Best damage skill

Sword Dance
Pre-requisite : Lvl 1 Relaunch
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 10
No. of units hit: 5 / 7
A skill i did not experiment with at all. It's damage should be slightly above Base, but it doesn't launch but knocks down. It is one of the only long range option at 1st class, but being a single line projectile it makes it rather difficult to connect in PVP. Against bosses in instances it will probably be useful, but if u take the up/down approach in attacking bosses ( which you should ) you won't use this skill much. Lvl 2 is required to unlock Icecold Heart. I recommend putting this skill at 0 or 1 if u feel u need the long range option. Lvl 2 for a hammer is not really worth it. Hammers will be discussed at a later section.
Build : Lvl 0 or Lvl 1 (for a long range option but Gladiators have Incoming Bro which is better ) or 2 (If you want Icecold Heart. Not recommended)

Hammer Crush
Pre-requisite : None
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 10
No. of units hit: 5 / 13
Effect : 50% / 70% chance to stun for two seconds.
It's hammer time! This is, in my opinion, the most useful hammer. If Base damage was 200+, this deals roughly 400 to 500, depending on level. With a 50% chance to stun at lvl 1, it makes it a very good 1-point utility skill. If you think you're gonna rely on it and crave a more successful stun, max it for 70%. It's not really worth it though and the points can be better spent elsewhere. Gladiators have Stumblebum, which is an AOE stun with a attack and accuracy debuff. It does have a charging time though. Another good (or bad) point to note about this hammer is that it hits opponents in the air in PVP, regardless of if the opponent is in the 'hit' mode or just regular jumping. It gives you an extra option to do if they are falling and prevents them from rolling, but might spoil your partner's combo. Note that instance Bosses cannot be stunned but minibosses can( think Farrel ), but people still spam hammers for the damage. Hammer spam will be discussed at a later section.
Build : Lvl 1 ( 10 SP for a stun option = good ) or MAX ( if you want damage )
Note that Hammers are DIFFICULT to connect for PVP

Blazing Youth
Pre-requisite : Lvl 1 Hammer Crush, Lvl 2 Stormblade
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 10
No. of units hit: 5 / 13
Effect: 50% / 70% chance to inflict status Burn ( depletes hp and mana over time )
Another hammer. 2nd in my opinion among the 3 hammers. Damage SHOULD be slightly more than the stun hammer. Burn effect MAY be useful at earlier levels, but would just disappear at the higher levels. MP burning may be effective in PVP though, since MP doesnt regen naturally. Still, if a person lasts long enough to get hit by your hammers and attacks and not die before his mana runs out would be kind of weird, thereby putting down the usefulness of this skill. Not worth pumping unless you want a second hammer for spamming. Hammer spam will be discussed later.
Build : Lvl 0 or 1 (If you want to spam two hammers )
Note that Hammers are DIFFICULT to connect for PVP

Icecold Heart
Pre-requisite : Lvl 1 Hammer Crush, Lvl 2 Sword Dance
Max level : 5
Skill points per level : 10
No. of units hit: 5 / 13
Effect: 50% / 70% chance to inflict status Freeze ( supposedly decreases def, movement and attack speed)
Most useless hammer in my opinion, and made lower with the requirement of lvl 2 Sword Dance. Damage is same as Blazing Youth, higher than Hammer Crush. The slowing may be slightly helpful in dealing with monsters, but in PVP the slowing won't impede a dash jump much. If your opponent means to get away from you, slowing or not, a dash jump will certainly get him away. The decrease in def is by a % though, which might make it useful if you happen to find a mob that has high enough hp to make the decrease in def worth it. Otherwise, just kill it already. Hammer Spam will be discussed in a later section.
Build : Lvl 0 or 1 ( Note that you need lvl 2 Sword Dance )
Note that Hammers are DIFFICULT to connect for PVP hits only fallen. However, there will be cases where you only want to hit fallen units or was cancelled/in cooldown.
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